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A Time For Reflection

In this week, a suspension of time between the Christmas holiday and the dawn of the New Year, it can be a wonderful time for reflection. For some, the last few days have been a flurry of activity with family, dinners, gifts and cheer. For others, the last few days have been challenging, with work commitments, time feeling scarce, or hearts longing to be with loved ones. Regardless of our circumstance, when we take a pause to look at the past year, there are certainly moments of brightness, shining through, revealing hidden gifts, strengths, loves or accomplishments.

Taking time to purposefully pause and reflect, if even for just a few minutes, connects us with the deep contentment we have felt during those moments of brightness throughout the year. Digging into these moments when we have felt alive, when our hearts and minds were stirred, allows us to curiously explore the source of that contentment; these sources of peace and joy are places where gratitude lives.

Gratitude shows up as things we are thankful for having in our lives, or things we have learned, or people who challenge us to grow or who inspire love. Gratitude may also be thanks for things that didn’t happen to us, for the chance timing or decisions we made (or didn’t make) which left us in more fortunate situations. However gratitude shows up for you, taking time to connect back into these moments is a rewarding practice which both humbles and grounds us in a sense of peace and security.

In these next couple days leading up to the New Year, many of us begin to feel empowered with new possibilities. Before moving forward and closing the door on the past year, consider taking a pause to reflect back on all the times when fortune shined upon you this year. With a quiet regard for how well things have gone, despite challenging situations, or perhaps with immense expansion and prosperity, it frames us to be in a place of gratitude as we set intentions for the coming year. When we live in this mindset of abundance, we are better able to feed new intentions from a place of positivity.

Remembering the sage advice, ‘what we feed, grows; what we starve, dies,’ think about what you want to sow for this coming year, and what will you decide to feed?

With deep gratitude for many blessings, and sending wishes for a Happy New Year ahead! Cheers, from Jen

By Jennifer Rizza, Founder of Newtown Wellness Collective, IAHC Certified Wellness Coach, Reiki Master and RYT-200 Certified Yoga Teacher

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